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Lewis Armstrong, MSc student (RHUL, 2018-2019)

Lewis investigated the role of parasites in bumblebee health

Judy Bagi, Research Assistant (RHUL, 2016-2019)

Judy was our amazing lab manager and research assistant, funded by a BBSRC project

Emily Bailes, Postdoctoral Fellow (RHUL, 2016-2019)

Emily worked on a BBSRC project looking at virus transmission in bumblebees

Gemma Baron, PhD Student (RHUL, 2011-2015)

Gemma's PhD, co-supervised by Nigel Raine (RHUL, now Guelph), examined the impacts of parasites and pesticides on bumblebee fitness

Marta Barton-Navarro, MSc student (RHUL, 2018-2019)

Marta did her masters in parasite coinfection in bumblebees

James Blackshaw, MSc student (RHUL, 2016-2017)

James did his MRes in our group on phytochemicals in field beans

Jim Carolan, Postdoctoral Fellow (TCD, 2009-2010)

Jim was a post-doctoral fellow on a SFI grant to examine DNA barcoding in bees

Edward Carpentier, MSc Student (RHUL, 2020-2022)

Edward investigated the impacts of pesticides and parasites on male bumble bees

(Thomas) Joe Colgan, PhD Student (TCD, 2008-2012)

Joe studied how parasitism by a castrating parasitic worm, Sphaerularia bombi, impacted gene expression in bumblebee queens

Caitriona Cunningham, MSc Student (TCD, 2007-2009)

Catriona carried out her MSc, which was co-supervised by Jane Stout (TCD), on the impacts of land-use on insect diversity.

Úna Fitzpatrick, Postdoctoral Fellow (TCD, 2003-2007)

Úna was a post-doctoral fellow on a HEA grant to investigate bee conservation in Ireland

Arran Folly, PhD student (RHUL, 2015-2018)

Arran's PhD was on the effect of floral biochemistry on bumblebee health, including interactions with prevalent parasites, and was co-supervised by Phil Stevenson at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Matthias Fürst, Postdoctoral Fellow (RHUL, 2010-2013)

Matthias was a post-doctoral fellow on a BBSRC grant, which investigated emerging pathogens in wild bumblebees

Antoine Gekiere, MSc student (RHUL, 2020)

Antoine visited us from Belgium to develop bee and pesticide handling skills. During the traineeship, he looked at the sublethal effects of pesticide on overwintered bumblebee queens

Dylan Hodgkiss, PhD student (RHUL, 2014-2017)

Dylan did his PhD on whether aphid-eating hoverflies provide pollination and pest control services to British strawberry growers. His lead supervisor was Michelle Fountain at NIAB-EMR

Catherine Jones, PhD Student (RHUL, 2009-2012)

Catherine studied the interaction between the range-expanding tree bumblebee and its parasites, with a focus on the nematode worm Sphaerularia bombi

Mike Kelly, PhD Student (TCD, 2005-2009)

Mike studied the interaction between the castrating nematode parasite, Sphaerularia bombi, and its bumblebee hosts

Heng-Yi Ling, MSc Student (RHUL, 2011-2012)

Henry did his masters project on worker size demography in bumblebees

Karl Magnacca, Postdoctoral Fellow (TCD, 2007-2009)

Karl was a post-doctoral fellow on a SFI grant to examine DNA barcoding in bees

Fabio Manfredini, Postdoctoral Fellow (RHUL, 2013-2016)

Fabio was a Marie-Curie post-doctoral fellow, working on life-history, parasites, social transitions, and gene expression in social insects

Callum Martin, PhD student (RHUL, 2014-2018)

Callum's PhD was co-supervised by Michelle Fountain at NIAB-EMR and examined the impacts of parasitic infection on bumblebee behaviour and pollination efficiency, as well as the efficacy of commercial bumblebees at providing pollination services in crops

Alex Matthews, MSc student (RHUL, 2017-2018)

In his Masters Alex examined the impacts of parasites and pesticides on bumblebees

John McMullan, PhD Student (TCD, 2002-2006)

John was self-funded and studied the interactions between the tracheal mite Acarapis woodi and its honeybee host

Zoe Munday, MSc Student (RHUL, 2015-2016)

Zoe studied necrophoretic behaviour in bumblebees for her MSc

Tom Oliver, MSc student (RHUL, 2017-2018)

Tom examined the nutritional choices, and their impact on fitness, of bumblebee queens in his Masters project

Inti Pedroso, Postdoctoral Fellow (RHUL, 2011-2013)

Inti was a post-doctoral fellow on a Leverhulme grant, which investigated the impact of parasitic worms on bumblebees

Chris Pull, MSc Student (RHUL, 2011-2012)

Chris did his undergraduate project, and then his masters on fungal impacts on colony-founding ant queens

Eugenie Regan, Postdoctoral Fellow (TCD, 2005-2007)

Eugenie was a post-doctoral fellow funded by the EPA to investigate habitat fragmentation and invertebrate diversity

Avril Rothwell, MSc Student (TCD, 2003)

Avril studied the impact of agricultural landscapes on bumblebee diversity, co-supervised by Jane Stout (TCD)

Mario X Ruiz-González, PhD Student (TCD, 2002-2006)

Mario studied the interactions between the trypanosome parasite Crithidia bombi and its multiple bumblebee host species

Samina Rutrecht, PhD Student (TCD, 2002-2005)

Samina studied the interactions between the microsporidian parasite Nosema bombi (now Vairimorpha bombi) and its bumblebee host

Harry Siviter, PhD student (RHUL, 2016-2019)

Harry's PhD was co-supervised by Mark and Dr Elli Leadbeater, also at Royal Holloway. Harry examined the impacts of novel pesticides on bee health

Ed Straw, PhD student (RHUL, 2018-2021)

Ed's PhD examined the impacts of pathogens and pesticides on bee health, with a focus on the supposedly non-active ingredients in pesticide formulations

Gail Turney, Project Manager (RHUL, 2018-2023)

Gail was the project manager for the PoshBee project

Owen Vaughan, MSc student (RHUL, 2019-2020)

Owen's research examined the dual impacts of pathogens and pesticides on learning in bumble bees

Sarah Walkington, PhD student (RHUL, 2014-2018)

Sarah did her PhD on the ecology of bumblebee gut microbiota and its impacts on host health, and her lead supervisor was Matt Heard at CEH

Viki Webster, PhD student (RHUL, 2019-2023)

Viki's PhD project was the landscape genomics of Vairimorpha bombi in bumblebees

Hannah Wolmuth-Gordon, PhD student (RHUL, 2020-2023)

Hannah's PhD project examined the epidemiology of the trypanosome parasite Crithidia bombi in bumblebees

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