Do I need to mow my entire lawn or just the 2m x 2m patch?
The entire lawn please!!
I'm on holiday so I'm missing a survey!! What should I do?
Survey date ranges are flexible so where you can try to fit in a survey! However, if you are busy just write a note at the top of the survey saying missed and carry on with the next survey you are home for! Please don't stop surveying because you missed one or two!
Where do I upload my lawn progress photos?
An email with all of them at the end of the study would be perfect! If you put your mowing frequency and postcode as the subject
My grass has got really long... I'd like to mow it!
We understand that leaving your lawn unmown for 12 weeks may be a challenge. If, in the end, it is not possible for you, we would ask you to report when you had to mow, and also ask you to carry on taking insect and flower observations until the end of the 12 week study period. If possible still leave the observation square unmown! Obviously, the longer you can leave the lawn unmown (ideally, for 12 weeks!) the better our data will be, and the better we will be able to support pollinators in our gardens.
What length shall I set my mower to?
Do not worry if you can't set or don't know how to change the length your mower cuts to! However, if you can please set it between 30-40mm or the length closest to this range.
Im struggling with the plant survey...
Check out https://youtu.be/ljbRORyJIis
How do I estimate the size of my garden?
The garden size is an estimate!! You can always calculate it by using large paces (about 1 meter). Do not worry if youre struggling or your gardens a strange shape ... Do the best you can
How do I estimate the percentage of my flowers in my garden?
I want to how how much of your garden is flower beds, flowering shrubs, and potted plants. This is an estimate of the cover of these plants, not the individual flower heads. For this ignore wild flower which would be removed by mowing!!